Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Answers to Quiz

Let us review the quiz................. :)

1. Insulin is a hormone that has effects on the body's metabolism.

2. Insulin stores glucose in the blood as glycogen.

3. When testing for insulin RIA is used to give a quantitative assay.

4. Is fasting required prior to testing? YES or NO.

5. Insulin stops the usage of fat as an energy source.

A -- increased insulin level

B -- decreased insulin level

6. A Insulinoma

7. A untreated Type 2 Diabetes mellitus

8. B severe Type 1 Diabetes mellitus

9. A Acromegaly

10. A Cushing's Syndrome

Case Study

1. Other tests such as OGTT (Oral Glucose Tolerance test), FBS (Fasting Blood Sugar), RBS (Random Blood Sugar) could be used to diagnose increased sugar levels, like diabetes, which is the cause of the positive Benedict's and Fehling's tests.

2. Other tests Other tests such as OGTT (Oral Glucose Tolerance test), FBS (Fasting Blood Sugar), RBS (Random Blood Sugar) could be used to diagnose increased sugar levels, like diabetes. In this specific case, diabetes mellitus is diagnosed from the given laboratory tests.


  1. nice post jelz..keep it up...so pink is so nice..=)

  2. good post of answers. edit some lines in your answers for the case analysis because they are same, you can rephrase it. haha

  3. thank you lindsey and eryll. thank you for the tips, ill keep those in mind.

  4. Hi!

    Thanks for nominating my site. This site is a good and nifty educational site.

    See yah around!


  5. Keep up the good work! If you don't become a successful medtech, there is always a career in writing/blogging.


  6. Hi Jelo,

    I can appreciate your answers better if I knew the questions... without the need to go back (and forth) to your previous post.

    Saves the reader time to understand what question was answered by what number

    Same with cases

    Good Luck!

    The Struggling Blogger

  7. thank you SILVER. you are most welcome. :)

  8. hi roy. thank you for the pointers. will keep those in mind. :)

  9. hi jels,
    good post, but in case analysis portion i noticed that they have the same answer, probably you could check it and add some information in each case..

    but still its a good work!

  10. good set of questions.. keep it up

  11. nice post. you can add about how the disease
    can be treated for additional info but overall good job. keep it up

  12. nice post, good set of questions..,,, keep it up.., and i think the others are you should add info about yuor case
