Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Quiz: Insulin

**lets keep your brain cells working with this Insulin quiz.:)

1. _______ is a hormone that has effects on the body's metabolism.

2. Insulin stores glucose in the blood as ________.

3. When testing for insulin RIA is used to give a ___________ assay.

4. Is fasting required prior to testing? YES or NO.

5._______ stops the usage of fat as an energy source.

A -- increased insulin level
B -- decreased insulin level

6. Insulinoma

7. untreated Type 2 Diabetes mellitus

8. severe Type 1 Diabetes mellitus

9. Acromegaly

10. Cushing's Syndrome

Case Study( 5pts per case)

Case 1

Marco, a teenager loves to eat and is a little overweight. Lately he noticed that he urinates more frequently, thirsts and hungers more frequently than he usually did, and had lower back pain. He decided to visit the doctor. He was subjected to lab tests, the results are as follows:


(+) Benedict's Test

(+) Fehling's Test

Protein - trace

What other tests should be done? Why? What brings about a positive Benedicts and Fehling's test?

Case 2

A 60 year old lady subjected herself to laboratory tests, the results are as follows:


FBS: 215

HDL: 20.47

LDL: 100.36

BUN: 12

What other tests should be done? What can be diagnosed from these results?


  1. nice work indeed.. information about each case are complete. good!!

  2. Hi,

    We have just added your latest post "Quiz: Insulin" to our Directory of Science . You can check the inclusion of the post here . We are delighted to invite you to submit all your future posts to the directory and get a huge base of visitors to your website.

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  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. good set of questions. important terminologies are included.

  5. Hi Anjelica,

    These are kinda Greek to me, hehe. Always been poor in Science. But I bet this is an excellent quiz. :)

    By the way, thanks for the nomination. Really appreciate it.

    Have a happy Sunday. :)

  6. omg! your being famous because of your post, somebody used your set of questions. congrats brada. i'm happy for you..Ü

  7. well composed questions and interesting case ana keep it up
